Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Generation IV - Nuclear Energy Recyling, Cheap Energy for Manufacturing

Americans don't need to dump nuclear waste because we need to expedite the finishing of the nuclear reprocessing facility in Oak Ridge, and expand it for Pyro-Processing which need billions in funding. We need to finish the power plants in South Carolina. Remember 1 lb. of uranium or thorium equals 1 million gallons of oil.
Let us modernize our energy industry. Release all funds to the Y-12 Oak Ridge project. I worked on the project for a year, and funding needs to be accelerated due to

It is embarrassing when we find out China is finishing 27 nuclear power plants, and we stopped the creation of two new nuclear facilities only 40% completed.

Americans need to recycle nuclear fuel to the same level we recycle paper, glass, and aluminum. It will save the country billions and we need to create Thorium only power plants due to their extreme efficiency. I have studied this field for 40 years. You may contact managers at Y-12 to let you know the status of the program. We need many more billions spent on becoming energy independent of oil, with more money spent on nuclear fusion research. All of this will provide thousands of jobs. Educating the schools and public about modern use of nuclear power generation is difficult with the power plants failures due to 1940's designs. We need to standardize all nuclear power plants to one of a few models to lower cost.
We need to implement generation III power plants to insure energy independence and growth for this country. France is 90% nuclear independent, China is fast approaching an oil independent economy, free of oil and coal by 2050.
The lower the cost of producing energy corresponds to lower manufacturing cost. Imagine having 75% efficient solar farms, 50% of all homes with solar panels, and 100 De-Salination plants for production of fresh water, with 100 Thorium Light Water Reactors. This would lower our cost of manufacturing, food production, utilities costs for the middle-class and all manufacturing business’s by trillions of dollars. We need to think about long term investments for this country to be competitive in  the world today. WE need to think about the implementation of all new reactors construction to be Generation IV.
Leslie Dewan, a nuclear engineer and co-founder of Transatomic Power, has built a new molten salt nuclear reactor that reuses nuclear waste and automatically shuts down if there's a power outage.

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