Wednesday, August 9, 2017

No Nukes like Old Nukes

      Most people who think we use old floppy disks for nuclear weapons are right, due to the old and decommissioned, Polaris and Poseidon missiles. They still bring the cables back every year for new pins to be put on them, and test them with binary lights. This was in the 1980's and also when the Trident missiles were being built. The contract states that even today, all missiles would be tested the same way they were tested when they were first built. That is the way Lockheed and the Pentagon wrote the defense contracts. In the movie Terminator, those consoles for nuclear weapons were for the Trident missiles that were built in the 1980's. There were no personal computer till the late 80's
     We use the old missiles that were for Polaris and Poseidon nukes, now for launching satellites. The nuclear material is reprocessed for nuclear reactors. Nothing is wasted. But, yes all nukes still work because all the cables are replaced due to salt corrosion every year. They maybe old but are still very reliable due to analog technology. Physics remain constant, but I wonder if C4 or similar explosive loses its potency with age. WE are so insecure with MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).
How many millions of people, jobs created, and new technologies spent if we used this technology to better the lives of people instead of building something you hope you never have to use.
Whenever the military or DOD creates new weapons there is a commercial side application after time has passed. All of our navigation, and space flight technology came from perfecting navigation and propulsion systems used on the 3-stage Trident, and older missiles. 
     The land based ones are being decommissioned and bunkers sold to people who want underground homes. This would be ideal in Las Vegas, to have miles and miles of underground homes that would save a ton of money in heating and AC all year around.

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