Friday, April 26, 2013

Utility Company Conservative about Upgrading Infrastructure

How many hundreds of poles do you have to replace every year due to storms, how much does cost to the taxpayers that over 20 years. Every year for decades every major city in the United States has to endure down power lines that results with the lack of heating and electricity, and other utilities from storms.
Our government thinks only in short term rather than long term investment to our infrastructure system. They don't understand how embracing new technologies will enhance the lifestyle and productivity of all Americans.
The storm activity will get worse every year due to high Solar flares and climate change.
How many more Katrina and Sandy type storms will it take for action to be implemented?
People care more about not having power outages every year as we have experienced than a few more cents for electricity. Maybe an investment in solar, wind, and geothermal power along with nuclear is a partial solution. Thumper detection technology for detecting underground faults is an option. There will be a time when it is cost effective to put all utilities underground, the Bay Area has done it in all the high tech cities. There is plastic type pipe technology that is cost effective and has no corrosion problems.
We should all lobby Congress to educate the Congress about the solution new technology has to offer and as to the benefits of utilizing the best in high technology to rebuild our infrastructure in this country.
Excuses are boundless, effective solutions should be researched and implemented.
Long term investment should be a vision of all utility companies.
High speed fiber optics are being installed due to Google Fiber networks.
They may come in and take over many cities communications lines if we don't wakeup to change and modernization that is essential to our civilization. If everyone had aerogel that was affordable or composite insulation available the cost of heating would be done, but the cost is still high for using European insulation that has save millions in heating costs for people who have reinsulated there homes using infrared bead laced insulation. There are solutions to any problem as an engineer, being conservative in solving the problems with a growing society is not the approach to address the growing needs of the people you serve.
The time is now to upgrade our aging Bridges, Roads, Electricity, and communications Infrastructure!

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