
Energy Alternative - Coal Gone in Germany, Nuclear, Solar, and Geo Thermal as Alternates

     Here is a world versus U.S. energy usage. This will change in the areas of coal as Germany has officially stopping all use of Coal for energy production to reduce emissions into the atmosphere in its 84 facilities. They are destroying all the plants used to burn coal. We have a long way to go to replace the use of Coal with other technologies listed below.       I think a good replacement would be Nuclear using Thorium for reactors along with Solar, and Geothermal. The state of Arizona and New Mexico have vast areas of desert that is federal land that would be ideal for very large scale solar farms. This would also protect wildlife in the area if the installation is done with minimal impact on the life in those areas.       The world's largest source of Geo Thermal is volcanoes, especially Yellowstone, I think we have the technology to tap this incredible source of Geo Thermal 50 mile Caldera. Tapping into this energy would greatly reduce the likelihood of eruption ac

The Rich don't spend they Hoard Money - Middle-American Spend their Raises

The Rich don't spend they Hoard Money - Middle-American Spend their Raises In America it is estimated that 99% of the wealth is held by the top .1%. That means that all those trillions of dollars are held by billionaires who don’t spend any money like the Middle-American worker. They don’t buy new appliance, new cars, new homes, or take vacations the same way the rich do. The CEO’s of large corporations have held down wages for 40 years, and don’t want to pay taxes on their trillions made every year. If big corporations paid their workers an average of 30%-40% a year more with paid medical and dental benefits, they would be a spending bonanza this country hasn’t seen in decades. We have trained Americans to spend their paychecks; the higher paid American would buy new clothes, more food, go out for dinner more often to higher end restaurants. The would take vacations to amusement parks such as Disney World or Magic Mountain, and take vacations to other countri

No Nukes like Old Nukes

      Most people who think we use old floppy disks for nuclear weapons are right, due to the old and decommissioned, Polaris and Poseidon missiles. They still bring the cables back every year for new pins to be put on them, and test them with binary lights. This was in the 1980's and also when the Trident missiles were being built. The contract states that even today, all missiles would be tested the same way they were tested when they were first built. That is the way Lockheed and the Pentagon wrote the defense contracts. In the movie Terminator, those consoles for nuclear weapons were for the Trident missiles that were built in the 1980's. There were no personal computer till the late 80's      We use the old missiles that were for Polaris and Poseidon nukes, now for launching satellites. The nuclear material is reprocessed for nuclear reactors. Nothing is wasted. But, yes all nukes still work because all the cables are replaced due to salt corrosion every year.