
Generation IV - Nuclear Energy Recyling, Cheap Energy for Manufacturing

Americans don't need to dump nuclear waste because we need to expedite the finishing of the nuclear reprocessing facility in Oak Ridge, and expand it for Pyro-Processing which need billions in funding. We need to finish the power plants in South Carolina. Remember 1 lb. of uranium or thorium equals 1 million gallons of oil. Let us modernize our energy industry. Release all funds to the Y-12 Oak Ridge project. I worked on the project for a year, and funding needs to be accelerated due to It is embarrassing when we find out China is finishing 27 nuclear power plants, and we stopped the creation of two new nuclear facilities only 40% completed. Americans need to recycle nuclear fuel to the same level we recycle paper, glass, and aluminum. It will save the country billions and we need to create Thorium only power plants due to their extreme efficiency. I have studied this field for 40 years. You may contact managers at Y-12 to let you know the status of the program. We ne