Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Battery Technology Overview Today

Battery Power

1.1.1         Introduction

All spacecraft that orbit the Earth need batteries during the eclipse periods, peak load periods, and during the initial launch operations. In the 1980’s the Hubble Telescope chose Lead-Acid batteries because of  their reliability and due to the fact other newer batteries technologies have not matured such as the Lithium, and Nickel Cadmium batteries that are used today in aircraft and spaceflight.   There are a wide variety of batteries used in space flight as shown below.

Table 2 Battery types for spaceflight [29]
The primary power supply batteries are considered not rechargeable, whereas the secondary battery is used to store energy such as Ni-Cd, and nickel-hydrogen batteries that have been used on the Galileo spacecraft [1]

1.1.2         Ni-Cd Battery

 There are four main components of a Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) cell:
·         Negative plate made of cadmium
·         The positive plates – Is composed of nickel which accepts electrons from returning external loads.
·         The electrolyte – An aqueous potassium hydroxide solution which completes the internal circuit.
·         Fibrous plastic fabric separator – It holds the electrolyte in place, and isolates the positive and negative plates.
The batteries are hermetically sealed, but they must not be overcharged due to the release of hydrogen gas. The voltage is 1.1 V discharged, and 1.4 V fully charged. A typical cell battery has an average discharge voltage of  Vave is 27.5 V. The cycle time is approximately 6000 cycles per year. When used in a geosynchronous spacecraft the battery is only 100 cycles per year.
Batteries are considered the most temperature-sensitive elements of the spacecraft. Low temperatures will reduce the rate of oxygen recombination in the cell and can result in the incomplete recharging and cause high cell pressure.

1.1.3         Ni-H2 Battery

The introduction of NiH2 is replacing Ni-Cd batteries as the dominant batteries used on spacecraft due to their reliability. The nickel electrode is the same as in the NiCd battery, except for the opposing hydrogen electrode which is akin to the fuel cell electrocatalytic diffusion electrode. The battery uses hydrogen gas as the anodic active material.
When charges nickel is oxidized, and hydrogen gas is evolved at the hydrogen electrode. Nickel-hydrogen offer improved mass, cycle life, and reduced failure when compared to NiCd batteries.

1.1.4         Ni-MH Battery

Nickel Metal hydride (NiMH) batteries have a higher storage capacity than other batteries including lead acid. They can store more energy in less space, and contain less toxic chemical than lithium ion and lead acid batteries. Their extensive use in home electronics products has proven their safety and use in the private sector.[2]

1.1.5         Ni-Zn Battery (ultra-high power density)

The Ni-Zn is considered the next-generation of batteries to be used for fuels cells and space applications. They are highly-reliable, small, and light weight as practical applications for medical devices, due to their long-life, low-cost as rechargeable batteries for space and defense applications.[3]

1.1.6         Li-Ion Battery

Lithium-ion batteries have a higher energy density than lead acid and NiMh. The drawback is that they have toxic disposal problems with the lithium. They are more expensive to manufacture than NiMh batteries. They are the mainstay of battery being used today!

1.1.7         Li-Carbon Battery and carbon nanotubes

Lithium-carbon batteries have promising due to their high density with the ability to produce 100 Wh/kg at battery level. Lithium is used as the negative electrode and layered-structure carbon electrode.  The design of the cells will allow oxygen to recombine chemically at the negative electrodes. This will prevent excessive buildup of pressure in a sealed cell. This is very appealing compared to other batteries that have the risk of excessive gas buildup when overcharged. [4]
There are promising uses of carbon nanotube electrodes in the use of electronics to electric vehicles with their superior energy density, lighter, thinner, and high capacity. The use of carbon nanotubes (CNT’s) are excellent materials for lithium ion batteries due to the ultra-high capacity anode materials anode materials. Lithium ion capacities for CNT-based anodes can exceed 1000 mAh g-1. [5]

1.1.8         Mg-Air Battery (ultra-high energy density)

Magnesium-Air system is in the class of metal-air batteries. They are important sources for electronics and vehicle due to their high theoretical energy density and low cost. Recent progress in Mg or MG alloys as anode materials and typical classes of air cathode catalysts for Mg-air batteries. The development of rechargeable Mg-air batteries, bi-functional catalyst with reversible oxygen reduction and evolutions reactions makes this class of battery and high level candidate for long deep space flight energy storage systems.
Figure 16 Magnesium Air Battery [[6]]
The circuit potential of the “oxygen shuttle” type battery for Mg-air oxide batteries when using a Ca-stabilized ZrO2 electrode has an observed circuit potential capacity was 1.81V and 1154 mA h gmg -1

Figure 17 "Oxygen Shuttle" Mg-air solid oxide battery [[7]]

1.1.9         Ultra-Capacitors

Super capacitors (SC) are electric double-layer capacitor (EDLC) utilize the Helmholtz double layer at the battery interface to store electrostatic charge. The separation of a conductor electrode and electrolytic solution electrode are only a few Angstroms. Carbon electrodes achieve a higher static double-layer capacitance than traditional pseudo-capacitors that utilize metal oxide and conducting polymers. Maxwell Technologies are companies that produce ultra-capacitors.  The development of nano structured batteries can store over a hundred times the amount of charge than those with the same size and configurations.[8]
The application of enhanced carbon nanotube ultra-capacitors can greatly increase the potential for high-power storage for kinetic-energy weapons, power supplies, and control systems for spacecraft. CNTs/MnO2 nano-composite as electrodes will enhance the capacitance by >400X over CNT electrodes.[9]
Future spacecraft will demand higher energy density as power requirements for devices increase. It is evident in the table below that ultra-capacitors have potential use in the enhancement of DC-DC converters by their integration into power conversion design for spacecraft and commercial usage. High powered, high propulsion spacecraft would greatly benefit by the use of ultra-capacitors in their electrical sub-systems.[10]
Table 3 Existing energy storage devices [38]

1.2  Fuel Cell Power

1.2.1     Regenerative fuel cells

Fuel cells have been used since the early days of Apollo and used on the Space Shuttle as a component for the electrical power system. They convert chemical energy into electricity though a chemical reaction with an oxidizing agent and oxygen. The oxygen produced augment the environmental system and hydrogen burned as fuel for propulsion.
They are many reasons to utilize fuel cells.
·         Efficient at the ability to extract hydrogen for use in combustion
·         Production of fuel cells more efficient, and cleaner
·         Lighter than batteries per energy unit
·         Higher energy densities than conventional batteries
·         Waste product is pure water, for use by astronauts.
·         Storing hydrogen in a solid state such as lithium nitride and lithium carbon.

·         Lithium nitride absorbs large amounts of hydrogen under pressure.


Figure 18 Multiple Fuel Cells [55]                        Figure 19 PEM Fuel Cell Components [[11]]

1.2.2         Space Shuttle fuel cells

The three fuel cell power plants are coupled to the reactant of (hydrogen and oxygen) in a distribution subsystem, the heart rejection subsystem, the potable water storage subsystem, and the power distribution subsystem. The cells contain electrolyte composed of potassium hydroxide and water with the oxygen electrode (cathode) and a hydrogen electrode (anode). The resultant oxygen and hydrogen are consumed relative to the orbiter’s electrical power demand, are constantly being renewed in the process.[12]

1.2.3         Nanotube fuel cells

There are a variety of fuel cells that utilize materials that include H2, N2H4, NH3, CH3OH3, coal gas, and hydrocarbons.
This includes the development of fuel cells utilizing nanotube technology. Single-wall carbon nanotubes have over twice the storage capacity of graphite electrodes. Open-end and closed-end nanotubes are 1.1 nanometers in diameter and 10,000 nanometers in length. The higher capacity of shorter nanotube is because lithium ion has a higher uptake though open ends. Nanotubes have a potentially higher capacity to store charges than graphite.[13]
The prospect of using carbon nanotube membranes will enable cheaper and more efficient fuel cells. There is a 40 percent performance improvement, 25 percent durability improvement, and lower manufacturing cost of production.[14]

1.2.4         (PEM) Proton Exchange Membrane

The development of PEMFC fuel cells utilizes NaBH2 solution with oxidation from direct borohydride fuel as the hydrogen carrier with hydrolysis from H2 PEMFC. Research with fuel cells has yielded PEM fuel cells composed of materials from a variety of aromatic polymers, Polysulfones, Polyphenylenes, Phenylene Sulfphides, Arylene Ether Ketones,
The chemical reaction below utilizes the standard hydrogen electrode:

BH4- + 8 OH > BO2 -+ 6 H2O + 8 e-

Equation 1 Standard hydrogen electrode [55]

The cost is high currently at $800 per m2 but will decrease in time as manufacturing fabrication methodologies is improved. The current density efficiency of fuel cells is 0.5 A/cm2 that operate for more than 20,000 hours. Cells with an active area of greater than 1000 cm2 and 10 KW-stacks contain 20 cells. [15]
Commercially produced material for PEM for fuel cell applications is Nafion, a sufonated fluropolymer.
Equation 2 Nafion Chemical composition [42]

The applications of polymer electrolyte fuel cell materials have characteristics and bulk properties of proton conductivity, gas separation, and mechanical properties. This diversity of materials for applications promotes the use of fuel cell batteries in a myriad of applications as illustrated below. 
Figure 20 Solid Polymer Electrolyte Technologies [42]

[1] (Power Sources: Fuel Cells, Solar Cells and Batteries, 2003)
[2] (Moody, 2010)
[3] (Jha, 2012)
[4] (Verniolle & Dudley, 1997)
[5] (Landi, 2009)
[6] (Zhang, Taoa, & Chen, 2013; Zhang, Taoa, & Chen, 2013)
[7] (Inoishi & Ju, 2013)
[8] (Ingram, 2013)
[9] (Enhanced Carbon Nanotube Ultracapacitors, 2014)
[10] (Grbovic, 2014)
[11] (Esposito & Conti, 2009)
[12] (Fuel Cell Use in the Space Shuttle, 2014)
[13] (Power Sources: Fuel Cells, Solar Cells and Batteries, 2003)
[14] (Zheng, 2014)
[15] (Esposito & Conti, 2009)

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